Almost 2 months since we moved in into our new home and Arisya already busy mumbling about her coming 5th birthday. Bila ni mommy..birthday adik..Pening juga..yelah the home is not completely arranged n decorated yet. But just gave it a try. To please her, we decided to hold a birthday celeb cum housewarming on Sunday, 3rd December 2006 (exactly Arisya's birthday date!). Also for Resolv collegues yg dok tanya2 bila nak ajak makan2 kat rumah..tapi yang sedihnya only Mr. Azhar n wife and Adrian with family turned up. Luckily Papa's office mate ramai yang datang tolong makan2 and thanks also to our ex-neighbor yang sudi datang memeriahkan majlis yang sederhana. However mommy really didn't have time to snap a few of ex-neighbor's photos. Sorry yah. Maybe next time. To those contributed the birthday and house warming presents..thanks a lot! Thank Allah everything went on smoothly with the help of my uncle's (Ayah Mae) wife and their family who ordered delicious Nasi Dagang complement with chicken and also fish curry. They also helped with the making of Roti Jala. Satay Samuri was a must! Yummy! Yet Arisya was the happiest girl although she's got diarrhea that day..all her pretty blanket, comforter and bed sheet got stained by her f***s.