Almost one week Adam has got this kind of diarrhoea since his last immunization..but he didn't show sign of vomitting. Everytime he wanna Poo-poo..he looks so much pain. We went to see the GP but they said that's normal. Then his feces shown a not good sign..mucus with blood! Mommy planned to bring him to Ting Specialist Clinic but since Angah, Halimah and Aleeya came home, so it was cancelled. On Sunday by 9.30 a.m. all of us went to Ting Specialist Clinic. Doctor suggest Adam to be admitted, drip inserted and we need to stay there until 10.00 pm for monitoring. Doctor guaranteed Adam can recover after one full day admission. Epi asked on payment. Total RM380. Epi agreed. Then we all stay there like in a street ward..haha..because Adam's bed is his own stroller. To our shocked, another 2 kids also admitted on the same day. So, all of us stayed there, had lunch from Mamak restaurant nearby...emm...their nasi goreng ayam was so good! Their packaging presentation was not bad at all! Maybe we can come some other time for another round. Kakak was playing all day without losing any percent of her energy. Maybe the 100 plus drink helped her, Mommy guess. Adam need to be stopped from breastfeeding or even his formula milk. Now, that brought problem coz Adam need to "nyanyam" before sleep.Urgh....luckily Mommy had recorded the Cow song from Adam's pull toy. That helped him to sleep. But there was a time that Adam can't stop crying, Mommy secretly breastfeed him. Then can Adam went for sleep safe n sound. Time went by and yes! !10.00 p.m. Doctor asked whether we want to complete the 2nd drip which left about half a cup. We said No..because we're all exhausted waiting there..with the unpractical bench for seating. Mommy forgot to snap the photo of the mentioned bench. By 10.30 after settling all the bills we brought Adam home. And for the first time since last week he slept very well. Mommy like crying when saw Adam sleeping so sound.Be a strong boy yea Adam.