Erm..today Epi dah set a time for us to go out for groceries and makan-makan. Starting with breakfast at Rejab's. Actually Mommy wanted having Naan and Tandoori for breakfast but when we were there, Mommy quite frustrated because they only served Naan and Tandoori by late evening. Nvm..Mommy ordered for half boiled eggs and Roti Pisang. Kakak Roti Canai + gula and Epi Nasi Lemak. Later we went to Tesco..picking up those "out of" items. Then Epi said we can't proceed to IOI Mall because we have those aerosol with us. Kakak like frustrated because she planned to go to Popular book store to look for her Art subject work book. To please her..then Mommy took her for ear piercing. First shoot still ok, and after next shoot, Kakak's eyes filled with tears. Haha...But not bad for a 6+ years. Even Mommy did ear piercing at 9 years. Mommy still got time to snap few photos for her to remember this moment.