Still counting the contraction rhythm. Not so many changes. Gap was between 10-15 minutes. But Ma so worried if anything happen so she asked me to go to the hospital. So, everybody get up and we depart around 4.45 a.m at Putrajaya hospital. As usual, the unfriendly nurse welcomed us. Then I was put in the screening room for baby’s heartbeat monitoring. The screening machine belt was too tight..Argh…different nurse came in. This times a friendly one. I told her I feel breathless and she loosen the belt a little bit. Sigh…that wuz better. However, the opening was just 2 cm. Got admitted in 2A ward. 4 bedded room. So Mommy was left alone. The rest couldn’t join. Until lunch, still no progress, Epi, Adik and Ma went out to Alamanda. Then almost 3 p.m Mommy got to see doctor. Then doctor said the opening 4 cm but had to wait since the labour room was full at that moment. Suddenly a nurse came by and told that Mommy is they’ll break the water. Mommy called Eppi to hurry up here. Luckily Eppi, Ma and Adik arrived just before Mommy went down to the labour room. Down in the labour room, an Indian nurse preparing Mommy for labour and teaching the trainee nurse. The contraction was too different from Adik’s. It was so painful. Epi wasn't there.Mommy started to lose the energy but after 2 hours in the room Mommy delivered to a healthy baby boy. We called him Ebi.