Last Sunday was Nur Arisya's SMART READER KIDS Sports Day 2007 event held at SRK Precint 8 (2). She woke up as early as 6.50 a.m! Mommy wasn't surprised since Mommy also couldn't sleep well last nite due to heavy work load to be completed before coming maternity leave. Mommy prepared tasty fried vermicelli and Que helped prepared the mixed egg n tuna sandwiches..yummy! Eppi moved first followed by mommy and the gang. We arrived at the place around 8.15-8.20 late actually. Luckily Adik manage to join the march past. Opps..mommy forgot that Adik haven't had her breakfast yet. Since her event that she participated will start a lil' bit late, so she still got time to munch few sandwiches and drink the sarsaparilla that mommy brought from home. Adik participated in "Catwalk" event. Mommy thought Mommy already recorded the scene but actually it was still photos captured..sorry ya Adik. Anyway, Adik really enjoyed her day very much! We knew that because she can't stop running here and there and also a non-stop visit to that VICO lorry..for the free VICO drink! ;-)
Oppss..see the result of non-stop jumping and running and screaming and everything...sleeping with the winning medal!
Oppss..see the result of non-stop jumping and running and screaming and everything...sleeping with the winning medal!

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